Tuesday, 11 August 2020

It's just love

I don't know how you do it
I don't know how you find the time, 
To smile,
And not cry.

How you've gone all this time,
And put up with the worst parts of me,
All of my lies.

You're unbreakable,
And I'm constantly in awe of the wonder of you.

Yesterday you looked so sad,
I had to take a minute out,
When you weren't looking,
I had a breath,
A tear and came to save the day.

With my words,
My mighty sword.
It's the least I can do for you my love.

Because I'll protect you,
Like sometimes I haven't 
From it all,
The dark places, spaces,
The footsteps that make you stop.
Heart beats fast.
It's ok wife, love of my life,
I've got you
I promise.
Hold my hand tighter.
No-one can hurt you now.

I cried through my vows,
I couldn't get a single word out,
And I had practicsed,
When you were at work
And I was home alone,
I'd recite the words we wrote together,
Over and over,
I knew them all.
And when the moment came, 
They got caught in my mouth,
And all I could do was breath,
Breath you in
Breath you out.

So beautiful
You stopped me in my tracks
You do every day
I catch you,
Serious faces
Working faces
I get to glimpse them all,
Lucky me.

But yesterday my love,
Such sadness crept upon that face 
And shone through your bright eyes
And i was angry
I am angry
I wish I could do more

You get upset when you read my writing sometimes,
You feel my pain
You see it on my face
Yesterday I saw yours and I wanted to make it better
What can I do
How can I love you more
Support you
Fix you
Make it better
Tell me love
I'll do whatever it takes

It's higher stakes

Now I know who I am
And you helped me unravel the road
Saw the good 
Saw the pure
You write me love notes,
You write me poetry
You love me
And it's heaven.

So I write for you,
I write to fight
TO make a change,
To bring you peace
Or give you back the piece 
That he stole
That I stole
The parts that faded away
And faded to grey
We'll make them bright again
Take my paintbrush and go wild
Show me your creative side
Not a white wash
Not blanket approach
Let's do it properly
Create art
Babies and so much more,

I'll do it all
For you my love,
My Sarah,
Who I adore

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