Monday, 3 March 2025


Let's start with yesterday...

I laid out my "must do's" list to my wife - after a long day of studying and working together on a Sunday in the city, despite a beautiful reprieve of 90 minutes at Manchesters loveliest contrast therapy venue (Fix) I was still fraught with anxiety... 24 hours in ahead of an event I was planning on attending.

Must do's

1. Dye hair - the faded pink had shown a grey hair - a solitary grey hair that had quite upset me as I headed out the door yesterday; but also the bold, brash red, spoke more for me, than I could sometimes. See me, now hear me. Or something like that.

2. False nails - I've become accustomed to my self-care treat of a 8 weekly BIAB manicure. However after a fraught December filled with fertility highs and lows, I haven't quite found my 2025 stride in regaining that time for me, and instead, as quite the coping mechanism (I know) I have instead, thrown myself whole heartedly into work. Cue, the less than glamorous alternative, but sufficient mask, stick on nails.

3. Face mask - clean, clear skin that says 37, not 47 as the grey hair has lead me into a quandary of self inflicted ageism!

4. - realising a list of must do's for something that merely requires my presence, my purpose and my passion is quite an over-exertion and thankless task in list making and fretting over nonsense.

Today, I got up, I got dressed, I washed and styled my hair, perfectly lovely.

I put on my makeup, a fine black suit, with casual cotton white t-shirt and some gold accessories. Girls bringing non-binary smart Cas and I'm here for it.

Paired with some vintage Nike high-tops, new bold black thick rimmed glasses, cutesy floral laptop bag and swishing long grey tweed coat - winning.

It's as if Smartworks themselves had dressed me for the day.

And off I toddled, to said event - Smartworks International Women's Day celebration event in the city.

I came, I grabbed coffee, I made a beeline to say hello to epic and incredibly beautiful in red suit Louise Minchin, bumbled a line about being in the same category at an awards do last year, and duly panicked at my imposter syndrome taking over as the words left my mouth. This is not a case of fan dangled celeb awe (well, a little, I've grown up like many women my age; watching BBC female journalists smash the patriarchy from within) but I realised, much like the Fran who makes "must do," lists - I'm so far out of my comfort zone in rooms like this, I feel consumed with anxiety.


I spend my day job, my love, my passion, advocating for, empowering, and providing a platform for WOMEN LIKE ME. 

My work is about showing the world OUR power, OUR place, OUR purpose, so why, as founder, facilitator, public speaker and propagator do I shrink in places like this?

It's because despite my absolute belief that women like me DO deserve to be in rooms like that - I don't whole heartedly believe it for myself. And that is a rather sad thing to realise at an International Womens Day event.

I'm thwarted by my own demons; the ghost of the past me that chase me through corridors of power and rooms of purpose to haunt my present.

Telling me - who I was.

But rarely reminding me - of who I am.

My therapist in prison taught me the power of "automatic thoughts," and the onus on us, to regard or disregard and have the ability and visibility to recognise the real, from the imposed/presumed/created not curated and that with minds like mine, that are warped by mental health disorders, trauma, and ghosts, the daily practice of mental housekeeping and sweeping out the irrelevant and untrue, is so important.

It won't surprise you to know, today, I did no housekeeping.

Instead, I let those thoughts sweep me, into the quietest, darkest corner.

And a little light shone.

A beautiful human being - the loveliest Lee Chambers.

"Hi Fran, how are you?" with a warm embrace of authentic care, followed by

"Still working hard at changing the prison system?"

Now; let me give this interaction context.

I've seen Lee at some of these kind of events, on the panel, in the audience, networking. Always incredibly dapper and exuding confidence AND kindness.

We've met, exchanged chit chats and I know him and he knows me, social media more so I'm sure but the fact that he's here, on the panel, to talk about allyship and has the ability to recall my name, my work and ask such a purposeful question - when we can often fall into the trap of networking, event, award, networking, event, award and to remember, recall and show care - it's the true reflection of a persons character.

As a teenager and in my early 20's I was dragged to more than my fair share of high society silliness, wining and dining and networking with parents who did not operate that same care; niceties and air kisses and gregarious acts of recognition often followed by complete loss and lack of interest or knowledge as to who they were speaking to, or why that person was there or sought them out.

I was wheeled round as the prodigal daughter, politics at University, job in London, blonde with a bust, from money. 

And then I wasn't.

And I still somehow found myself in rooms like that, parading and peacocking, holding onto who I was.

When I was in prison, my offender manager told me all I had to say to the Governors board to approve my release on temporary license to go out to work everyday were two magical words -

"Why did you commit your crime?"

Personal gain.

And I refused, because I didn't feel two words of such power, could boil down my choices, decisions, chaos, and ultimately deceit.

When I spoke with my therapist about why I refused, she asked me why, why did I commit my crime.

We went down a rabbit hole, lots of tears, thoughts and provocations, justifications and then the sentence which haunts me came out

"Because I wanted my parents to see what I was doing and what a success I had become, so they would feel proud of me,"

What a tragic admission for a woman serving a prison sentence at the age of 34.

Last year, I was shortlisted as a finalist in the same category as Louise Minchin and I laughed and said to Sarah; that there was absolutely no point in going to the awards ceremony because the women in my category were nothing short of phenomenal - truly phenomenal.

And then I ended up walking away with my own award for highly commended and I couldn't quite believe it.

And that thought lingered with me today.

If I can be in a category with these women, because of the work I do, because of the person I am. I can be in a room with these women and feel the ground is level, and it's not them and me. It's us.

True feminism is at my core, but I somehow don't apply it to myself.

I shout from the rooftops that empowered women, empower women, that women supporting women are my kind of women.

Today, I saw a room full of authenticity, equity and solidarity. Agreement that we all work together to bring the change, to be the change.

I hold that dear. I do.

Over Christmas a wise feminist warrior Gail Heath held my hand across a table and said "Fran, you just need to be brave. You need to braver,"

We were talking about this feeling - this second class citizen feeling and that if I am to wield my power, I need to feel my power, for me.

I'll take the title from Louise's book and run with it today.


Let's try that.

Monday, 20 January 2025

A fallen comrade. 1 year without Erwin James.

You once said to me "When I die, all they'll write is murderer, Exoffender, dies - they won't remember the good, or my legacy,"

And then you went and died on me.

And I'm still furious with you.

I think about your stupid boat and your drams of whiskey and the icy cold weather last year and how I gave you a telling off on WhatsApp and told you to go to bed.

The missed call I had from you that night, and it haunts me.

Your WhatsApp activity haunts me "Last seen Friday 22:28"

And I found out on Twitter, of all the god forsaken places, that you had gone.

And there it was and remains on my phone.

Your name, with no activity and no blue ticks.

And I write to you every so often, not our daily back and forth.

But I give you updates that I know you would love to read, and I share just as we always did. The good, the bad and the ugly.

The life milestones, triumphs and tribulations. Photo's of Sarah and I, where we've been, what we've been up to. And the single tick remains. But it's soothing to talk to you all the same.

I sought out a church whilst away, to remember you.

There are few in my life I light a candle for, because loss is fleeting and I was never taught to feel it the way most do, but for you and my dear Grandma, our lapsed Catholicism, I light a candle wherever I go.

I had stern words with you this weekend. Quietly. In church. It was ice and snow on the ground outside, so already, I was furious with you. And then just sad.

Apologetic actually. I promised you more chapters, but then you promised me an editor. So I guess we're both letting the side down on the literary front comrade.

You were right, they did write about your past, because they don't know any better. They did reference your crime, and you knew that they would, but I promise the legacy was more beautiful than you wished for. The words of love, respect, kindness and acknowledgement, of the change you brought forth. Your wicked humour and words of wisdom, your naughty boy candid nature, but mostly, the lives you touched were so vast and so far reaching, if you knew, you'd sleep more peacefully.

It didn't feel right not writing to you, about you, for you, in memory and I tried yesterday but the words wouldn't come.

Here's to you dear friend.





Your chosen words of choice for me.

Your legacy lives on  ðŸ’•

Second chances? I blew mine. I'm on chance number 3. So why are we promoting second chances as the be all and end all?

 I had a pang of sadness yesterday that sat with me for most of the morning. In a tired haze from a delayed flight home from Norway; I was mentally and emotionally exhausted - which is usual for me, when I've had some "proper downtime," and actively, very purposefully not engaged in work, in any guise it presents; social media, engagement, emails, WhatsApp, the desire to keep abreast of what's going on in the world - I deliberately tried not to.

I'm not someone who is at ease with downtime. It's a common grievance in our household, as Sarah becomes exasperated at my inability to switch off and relax; it's common knowledge in our circle, Fran is work and work is Fran.

We've been taught for such a long time, that such as a connotation is a badge of honour; and I grew up in a household that worked. Privileged yes, but the people who raised me, could graft. And did. 

There's many flaws in my upbringing and learned behaviours, attitudes and judgement, that I criticise through the now learned and balanced lens of what is appropriate and healthy and what is not. More so of late, I realise this work ethic / work obsession, is one which falls into the unhealthy category. But it is who I am. I love to work, it gives me drive, purpose, pride, fulfilment, it is my passion to do what I feel is needed, it brings in money, makes me solvent, reliable, trustworthy... ok, so clearly there's more to this than "an honest days work," and it goes much deeper for me. For people like me.

Whilst in the airport, just a few days ago, drinking a mimosa with my darling wife, my privilege did not escape me - but much like the Barker life I grew up in, it was hard fought, hard sought, hard earned. When we have moments of escape, calm and time for us, I appreciate it all the more. But I won't deny, it comes still, with the weight of guilt - I don't know if this is unique to me, I doubt it; I think it may be a ripple effect of a life lived undeservedly at the cost of others; ironically, my crime never fuelled a flamboyant lifestyle, or holidays like this, it paid for idiocy and idealism and a sinking ship of a business that would give the Titanic a run for its money.

Alas, sipping said mimosa in the airport terminal, I felt it all the same. "Do I deserve this?"

We work so hard for the life we have. So why do I still feel like it's wrong?

Imagine then, my fury at seeing a Ministry of Justice promotional video waxing lyrical, with James Timpson at the forefront wearing designer glasses, looking ever so suave the businessman and one of the people, giving Andy Burnham "down with the kids" vibes like he's about to hit the Northern Quarter for a microbrewery tour and listen to some Oasis. Cool innit.

I digress, amongst the Specsavers promotional videography, there was a lovely man, working his bollocks off in a commercial kitchen - it gave me joy to see. The genuine pleasure on his face. I recognise. The joy of hard work and graft.

And then "This company welcomed you with open arms,"

So far so good.

"They literally said; we're going to give you a second chance,"

Fuck the fuck off.

So of course, before boarding my flight, I duly ranted about this in a post and hit send. Received with glorious agreement from many in our industry.


Now, any employer venturing into the world of employing those with criminal convictions, I praise you. I am glad of you and I have no doubt, that given 1 in 4 people of working age who hold a criminal conviction, like me; are grateful of the turning of the tide and the much needed acknowledgement that people with convictions, are people. An equal workforce, of talent and readiness. 

What we are not, are people in need, and desperation, of piteous second chances - we are hard working, able, ready, skilled people with two pieces of paper, neither of which weighs more than the other. The DBS, the CV.

Neither define, only describe circumstance.

It is our character that speaks volumes.

I had a second chance. I blew it.

I had a second chance. I wasn't ready. I wasn't well. I wasn't able.

I had a third chance. I grew. I learned. I understood. And I fought.

Tooth and nail. To be better.

And with that third chance?

I was hired, fired, three times back to back upon release.

A custodial sentence that saw me serve 11 months inside a prison and the rest in the community on license.

11 months and a piece of paper that now defines the rest of my life.

Open and honest and visible, this is me, this is what I did, this is the impact it had - hire me.

This is my CV, I am educated, capable, have glorious references and a track record that speaks louder than my mistakes.

Apparently google speaks louder.

This notion of second chances fills me with fury.

Taking a "chance,"

Denotes you are taking a risk.

On who?

We are taking a chance on you - that you will treat us with respect, dignity, equality, equity and care. That you will treat us fairly, with honesty, with legality and not abuse our vulnerability, our inability, our conviction. That you won't abuse the trust and hope we place in your hands.

That you won't put it all on our shoulders, the asks, the overtime, the expectation, the notion we will work harder, longer and quieter - because you know we will. Through the fear.

The fear. That you now hold our freedom and our stability.

That our second chance, is our only chance. Because it was so publicly, gracefully given.

I gave a speech last year, where I quoted James Timpson - before he became Minister for Prisons, but my sentiment remains the same - all change for good is good, as long as the language, ethics and sentiment are true.

The notion of loyalty and dedication, motivation - reinforced by Dominc Raab proclaiming "Companies suffering labour shortages should recruit ex-convicts just out of jail because they are "more motivated", “reliable” and take fewer sick days than other workers," 

Yes, we take fewer sick days, because we're terrified any day off will be judged as "unreliable" or cast doubt on our ability.

Which is ironic given the ongoing barriers of mental health, PTSD and trauma caused by the experience of prison and incarceration meaning that not only are we facing our demons, living with our trauma, mental health and processing our experiences of the criminal justice system and indeed our crimes, we put on a smile, happy face and head into work with the weight of the world on our shoulders grateful of the second chance to work, put food on the table, and live an honest life.

The societal pressure we place on people with notions of a second chance is another feature of the criminal justice system setting you up to fail. 

It's an expectation that for some, may come easy, for others, who battle addiction, mental health, unstable housing, battling the care system for their children, fleeing domestic violence, moving to new localities to keep away from previous lives, social isolation, societal stigma. It's a cluster fuck of obstacles.

Work should be the easy bit. The joy.

It's one of the reasons I do what I do in the way that I do. Security. Stability. Peace of mind.

It's not without its flaws.

Working as a freelancer leaves you beholden all the same, to the vulnerability, to the exploitation. Even more so if you work in the criminal justice system and people see value in your lived experience; for them, but not so much for you.

Quick to give you a platform, but not to pay your bills.

Lived experience is the new influencer bamboozle.

Where people cash in on your story, your trauma and offer you the keys to the castle - exposure, opportunity, the chance to be part of the change. But not money.

The amount of lived experience champions, cheerleaders, fierce leaders, lionesses I see everyday on LinkedIn posting about the latest "Ask" they've had makes me angry.

International Women's Day is always a favourite of mine, where most of my tribe of ferocious criminal justice cheerleaders are approached to speak at events - and the perks for them? To speak at the event?

Our pain is not your profit.

Our profile is not there to maximise yours.

Share our story, share our strength, empower us, pay us.

No change comes from empty pockets and nice ideas. Trust me. Having a failed business and a fraud conviction under my belt as a consequence, I know this. Nice ideas don't pay the rent.

I suppose that's why I started Coming Home.

When I was in prison, in my weeks leading up to release, the employment officers asked for my CV - my wife emailed it in.

An officer asked me "What kind of jobs are you expecting to get with this?"

What a strange question.

"The same ones I had before I came here?"

She laughed.

"I think you need to manage your expectations Fran,"

It was that sentence that compounded this vision.

I was horrified.

Why should I manage my expectations?

Why should I want or achieve less now?

I was confused by the assertion I couldn't and wouldn't be able to.

Dare to dream Barker.

And dream I did.

And work.

And earn.

And learn.

And grow.

And within 6 months of being home from prison, was working back in education, on the same salary I was before I was sent to prison. Having been hired and fired 3 times on loop in the preceding months.

I was a dog with a bone when I came home from prison. I had to get back to work. I had to be an equal to my wife. To pay my way. To find stability. Dignity. I had to remember who I was.

And I did.

And I do.

But it's not because an employer gave me a second chance.

It's because I kept pushing, smashing the barriers, challenging the preconceptions, questioning the employer hiring practices, educating the change.

Being. Living. Visibly with pride and frustration in equal measure. On my soap box, day in day out. Exhausting for some, exhilarating for me.